為慶祝農曆新年,華人社區服務中心社區養老及殘障人士服務 (Community Aged Care) 將於2021年2月17日及19日日期間舉辦賀年活動。 我們將會透過網上聚會(Zoom Meeting) 舉辦一連串精采活動包括摺紙工藝品,表演和唱歌等,和各位一起分享和歡度農曆新年。
網上聚會(Zoom Meeting) 的活動內容及參加大抽獎的方法請參閱宣傳單張
以下是活動邀請連結 - 建議於活動前15分鐘按以下鏈接:
日期:17/02/2021 (星期三)
Meeting ID:984 0194 6132
日期:19/02/2021 (星期五)
Meeting ID:984 0194 6132
如果你有困難使用Zoom,你可到我們華人社區微信公眾號,我們有Zoom的教學說明(如何使用視頻會議軟件Zoom)。你亦可透過Youtube現場直播(Live)觀看活動,Youtube現場直播鏈接將會在活動前15分鐘在我們微信公眾號上載。 敬請留意我們的公眾號。如有關參加活動的技術問題,歡迎致電88480288。
The year of the ox is here! The Chinese Community Service Center is here to congratulate everyone on the great luck in the Year of the Ox!
To celebrate the Chinese new year, we have planned two exciting activities on 17th and 19th February 2021. We will broadcast the celebration using an online platform Zoom. There will have many activities including fun origami crafts, performances and singing etc to share with you.
Please refer to the leaflet for the activity content of our Online Meeting (Zoom)and how to register for the luck draw.
The following is an invitation link -it is recommended to join 15 minutes before the activity commences:
Cantonese Zoom Meeting
Date: 17/02/2021 (Wednesday)
Time: 10:30 am to 12:00 noon
Meeting ID: 984 0194 6132
Mandarin Zoom Meeting
Date: 19/02/2021 (Friday)
Time: 10:30 am to 12 noon
Meeting ID: 984 0194 6132
If you have trouble in using Zoom, you can watch the event through YouTube live broadcast (Live). YouTube live broadcast link will be on our WeChat public account 15 minutes before the event upload. Please pay attention to our official account. Please call 88480288 for any technical issue when joining the zoom meeting.
華人社區服務中心自1995年起為華人提供長者家居照顧服務, 為華裔長者提供同語言及文化背景的服務,讓他們能夠盡量繼續留在家中生活,與家人和朋友在社區中共渡晚年。
今年是本中心家居照顧服務踏入25週年,為迎接這重要的里程碑,我們籌劃了一系列別出心裁的慶祝活動,並將於2020年12月14至18日期間透過包括網上聚會(Zoom Meeting) 舉辦連串精采活動,和各位一起分享和歡度周年誌慶。繼往開來,華人社區服務中心會堅守以顧客主導模式提供優質的養老服務,繼續與華裔長者及照顧者同行成長,
網上聚會(Zoom Meeting) 的活動內容請參閱宣傳單張
以下是活動邀請連結 - 建議於活動前15分鐘按以下鏈接:
日期:15/12/2020 (星期二)
日期:17/12/2020 (星期四)
如果你有困難使用Zoom, 你可到我們華人社區微信公眾號,我們有zoom 的教學說明。你亦可透過Youtube現場直播(Live)觀看活動,Youtube現場直播鏈接將會在活動前15分鐘在我們微信公眾號上上載。 敬請留意我們的公眾號。
Chinese Community Service Centre has provided Home Care Services to Chinese elders since 1995. By providing services in the same language and cultural background, they can continue to live at home as long as possible and spend their old age in the community with their families and friends.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of our Home Care Service. To celebrate this important milestone, we have planned a series of exciting activities from December 14-18, 2020. We will broadcast the celebration using an online platform Zoom. There will have many activities including short videos sharing, performances and singing etc to share with you.
The Chinese Community Service Centre will adhere to the Customer-Oriented model to provide quality elderly care services. We will continue to grow with our clients and caregivers.
Please refer to the leaflet for the activity content of our Online Meeting (Zoom).
The following is an invitation link -it is recommended to join 15 minutes before the activity commences:
Cantonese Zoom Meeting
Date: 15/12/2020 (Tuesday)
Time: 10:30 am to 12:00 noon
Meeting ID: 94285868056
Mandarin Zoom Meeting
Date: 17/12/2020 (Thursday)
Time: 10:30 am to 12 noon
Meeting ID: 94285868056
If you have trouble in using Zoom, you can access to our wechat public page for zoom tutorial. You can participate and watch the event through YouTube live broadcast (Live). YouTube live broadcast link will be uploaded on our WeChat public page 15 minutes before the event starts. Please pay attention to our wechat public page for more information.
我們已在十月及十一月舉辦了幾場網絡研討會,反應非常熱烈。我們亦收到了觀眾的反饋意見,表示希望可以重新觀看網絡研討會,所以我們把記錄下來的網絡研討會影片上載至YouTube。如果您想重看,您可以在YouTube頻道上觀看或到訪我們華人社區服務中心微信公眾號點擊YouTube連結。最新的影片 “沒記性就會沒自信?(國語及廣東話)”已上載至Youtube。
我們Youtube頻道名稱是: Hcpp CCSSCI
Youtube 連結 -沒記性就會沒自信 (廣東話):
Youtube 連結 -沒記性就會沒自信 (國語):
如果您喜歡我們的影片,請按讚,分享及訂閱我們的頻道,那麼下次有新的影片您便會知道。同時,請閱我們的華人社區服務中心微信公眾號,我們定時更新我們的活動及消息。如果你想更加了解我們的服務,可以致電辦公室 (03)98981965或親臨我們博士山辦事處了解更多資訊。
Chinese Community Service Centre hosts a series of webinars every month to help people to connect with others, to improve skills and knowledge in order to improve quality of life.
A webinar is a live online session where participants can see and hear the presenters on their computer, smartphone or tablet, where participants can interact in a range of ways. During a webinar, participants will be able to see and hear presenters, and view the presentation slides.
We have held several webinars in October and November and we have received heaps of positive feedback. We also received feedback from participants expressing that they would like to re- watch the webinar again. For people who would like to re-watch the webinar and for those who have missed out the webinars, we have now uploaded the recorded webinar videos to YouTube for you to watch it again. You can also visit CCSSCI WeChat public page, find the post about the event and click on the YouTube link. The latest videos "If you don’t remember, you lose confidence? (available in both Mandarin and Cantonese)" have been uploaded to Youtube.
You can find us on youtube by searching our youtube channel: Hcpp CCSSCI
If you don’t remember, you lose confidence? – Cantonese
If you don’t remember, you lose confidence? – Mandarin
If you like our videos, please like, share and subscribe our youtube channel, then you will be notified if we have uploaded any videos. Please also subscribe our WeChat public page, we will update our events and news regularly. If you want to know more about our services, you can contact us on (03)98981965 or visit our Box Hill office for more information.
華人社區服務中心將於2020年11月11日及11月25日 (星期三) 上午10:00至11:00在網上舉行健康生活講座,題目為: 沒記性就會沒自信。活動將由我們的資深社工主持,內容豐富,不容錯過!
Zoom 的活動邀請連結 - 建議於活動前15分鐘按以下鏈接
11/11/2020 - 粵語: http://zoom.us/j/93057561048
25/11/2020 - 國語: https://zoom.us/j/99540238158
如果你有困難開啟Zoom,你可透過Youtube現場直播 (Live) 收看健康講座,Youtube直播連結將會在活動前上載到我們微信公眾號。
活動詳情請參閱我們宣傳海報或瀏覽我們微信公眾號發布的消息,或致電我們 (03)8848 0288 / (03)9898 1965。
Chinese Community Social Services Centre is going to organise free health webinars, ‘Memory & Me’, on 11th (Cantonese session) & 25th (Mandarin session) Nov 2020. Our webinars will be hosted by experienced social workers. Don’t miss out!
Direct Zoom link to access these sessions - You are recommended to login 15 minutes prior to the start of the session.
11/11/2020 - Cantonese: http://zoom.us/j/93057561048
25/11/2020 - Mandarin: https://zoom.us/j/99540238158
You can also watch our live broadcast on Youtube if you have difficulties in using Zoom. Youtube links will be uploaded to our Wechat public page before the start of our events.
For further information, please refer to our poster or our post on Wechat public page or contact us on (03)8848 0288 or (03)9898 1965.
華人社區社會服務中心即將於2020年10月19日至22日在網上舉行一系列免費健康講座及大抽獎, 這是由Good Things Foundation組織在線週 (Get Online Week) 活動的一部分,旨在提高大眾數位技能及推廣網上學習。健康講座將以粵語和普通話在Zoom 進行, 並且向公眾開放。所有活動將由我們資深註冊護士及資深註冊職業治療師提供。
我們歡迎任何人參加此活動。詳情請參閱我們宣傳海報或瀏覽我們微信公眾號發布的消息或致電我們 (03)88480288 / (03)98981965
Chinese Community Social Services Centre is excited to announce our upcoming online event between 19th to 22nd October 2020 as part of get online week organised by Good Things Foundation– a series of health information sessions aimed at giving everyone a chance to find the support they need to improve their digital skills. The free information sessions will be running in both Cantonese and Mandarin online via zoom by our senior Registered Nurse and Occupational Therapist. These events are open to public. We welcome anyone to participate in this event.
**Direct link to access to these sessions:
Attendants can enter our Lucky Draw to win a great prize. All participants who register for the lucky draw will receive a small gift and a copy of the COVID-19 handbook. The quantity is limited, first come first served, while stock lasts.
For further information, please refer to our poster or our post on wechat public page or contact us on (03)88480288 or (03)98981965